Dr. Charles-Harris's Story

Do you know what’s under that surgical cap? Empathy. Integrity. Compassion. Through his international experiences in Europe and the Caribbean before making Miami his home, Dr. Charles-Harris became empowered with a strong empathy for the human condition.  As a leader and mentor, he connects with his patients and spends just as much time counseling their relatives as he does the patient themselves. As a teacher, year after year, he goes out and educates the communities in their churches and neighborhood centers on how to prevent and treat diseases like breast cancer and peripheral arterial disease. As a concerned father, he takes the hand of his patients and assures them that he’s not letting go until they are treated.  He has built a strong reputation for never accepting less than the highest of standards, and is well known for his efficiency and excellent surgical skills. He takes it to heart that when his patients join his practice, it is like they are joining his family. 

When I opened my surgical practice in Miami in December 2000, I was surprised to be met with a trend similar to what I experienced while working in some developing countries: men and women suffering from late stage breast cancer, obstructive colon cancers, excessively large hernias, and gangrene limbs which required amputation. I immediately made it my goal to raise the standards in our community.

Håkan Charles-Harris



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(305) 691-2941

Operating Hours:

Monday - Friday: 08:00 - 17:00


1190 NW 95 Stree, Suite 101, Miami, FL 33150